Frequently Asked Questions
Fire Halo™
Which Fire Halo is the right one for my house?
If your house is one which has 90mm PVC ‘conventional’ downpipes (downpipes that disperse the water onto the ground or street) the Conventional Fire Halo is the one that is recommended. If your house has all 90mm PVC downpipes connected to the one pipe that feeds into an aboveground tank (mostly slimline) then the Charged Fire Halo is recommended. The Charged Fire Halo must be installed onto the 90/100mm PVC tank feeder pipe for it to flood all downpipes that connected to it.
*Please note that when connecting the 90mmPVC downpipe to your gutter, you must ensure that it is watertight connection.
We recommended installing the 90mm PVC gutter spouts that are often found in stores like Bunnings or you can seal the connection with a clear/roof silicon.
What if I have metal conventional downpipes?
If you have metal conventional downpipes then you must convert these to 90mm PVC for the Fire Halo to work as intended. This only requires converting from the gutter to the top of the Fire Halo. Any metal downpipe below the Fire Halo can remain in its current place to continue to serve as a rainwater dispenser.
*Please note that when connecting the 90mmPVC downpipe to your gutter, you must ensure that it is watertight connection.
We recommended installing the 90mm PVC gutter spouts that are often found in stores like Bunnings.
What if I have more than one metal conventional downpipe?
If there are multiple metal conventional downpipes attached to the one gutter then then the remaining downpipes only require the 90mm Ball Valve and not the Fire Halo itself. Again, these other downpipes must have a 90mm PVC pipe connected from the gutter to the top of the 90mm Ball Valve. The metal downpipe can still remain in its current place below the 90mm Ball Valve. At least one downpipe from the gutter must have the Fire Halo installed to flood the gutter.
*Please note that when connecting the 90mmPVC downpipe to your gutter, you must ensure that it is watertight connection.
We recommended installing the 90mm PVC gutter spouts that are often found in stores like Bunnings.
I already have 90mm PVC conventional downpipes, how can I install a Fire Halo?
If you have 90mm conventional downpipes on your house then you only require installing a Fire Halo on one of the downpipes per gutter. The remaining downpipes attached to that gutter only require installing the 90mm Ball Valve.
*Please note that when connecting the 90mmPVC downpipe to your gutter, you must ensure that it is watertight connection.
We recommended installing the 90mm PVC gutter spouts that are often found in stores like Bunnings or you can seal the connection with a clear/roof silicon.